
Showing posts from January, 2020

In Design class activity

 Today in class we utilized Adobe In Design to lay out our 2 page spread , my experience using the software  was alright, I was a little overwhelmed because i'm not the brightest with technology and I also have never used Adobe In Design. I think I will use Adobe In Design in my third quarter submission because i used Microsoft Word to make everything and it would just look better in general if I did it in Adobe In Design, and I would also get the most amount of point if I use Adobe In Design.

Target audience research Beckett basketball Philly special #3

Our target audiences are similar because we both are supporting basketball and the majority of our audiences most likely like basketball. They marketed their product by getting a serious shot of a player dribbling the ball. Some persuasive techniques that were used are having a good contrast of colors and having a clear picture. This form of media was a magazine. I would use social Media to market my product.

Target audience research Beckett American idol #2

Our target audiences are similar because we both represent sports. They marketed their product by getting an action shot and putting see through letters in the text. Some techniques that were used are using big bold letters and getting a good picture. This form of media was a magazine. I would use social media to market my product.

Target audience research Beckett football Lamar Jackson's rise to the top #1

The target audience would be the same because its all about sports and football is one of the main sports in our magazine. They marketed their product by putting a picture of a football player on the front cover. Some techniques that were used are getting an action shot of the player and using big letters. This form of media was a magazine. I would use social media to market my product.

My target audience research

The target audience for my magazine would be people who enjoy playing or watching any sports, the age might be somewhere between 15-60, then income level for people to see my magazines are people that can afford a phone because i would also have a website. The education level would be anyone and everyone, and your personal interests would be sports. My product will be appealing to my audience because you will be informed about the upcoming news of sports.

Feedback and Revisions

Based on the feedback I received from my teacher going over my mid term submission with me, I have to make a lot of revisions before I submit my final. Some revisions I have to do are redoing the cover page because i made it on office word and it doesn't look good at all. I also have to redo my table of contents because its very plain with one picture and a white background, I want took at least have a colored background and a quality looking picture with the font looking good. Lastly i want to fix up my article, because  its just a bunch of words on a blank canvas with a couple of pictures. Basically i want to make everything look better.

mid term submission
