
Creative Critical reflection question 4

  I incorporated technology in the process of this project by using In-design which i couldn't have done anything without it. It practically made the whole project. An Instagram account to spread the word on the magazine, my phone also taking pictures of anything important that may go along with this project. Lastly blogger to show the work and the process of how I have excelled to make and produce the magazine. In blogger you can also see the progress i have made throughout the project.

Creative critical reflection question 3

  My production skills have increased greatly throughout the process in my opinion because in the beginning i knew how to do next to nothing for this project. I made my first submission in word because i didn't know how to use In-design or Photoshop but now I somewhat know how to use In-design and Photoshop, the quality of the magazine has increased greatly from when i first started. I now know some skills that i probably never would have known unless i took this class. This class has taught me some life skills that i will use frequently throughout my life.

Creative critical reflection question 2

   The magazines I researched engaged their audiences by having great articles and having interesting pictures and some info about upcoming events in sports history that will intrigue you. The use of words was fantastic which really get me into the magazine. I also thought learning more about the people who play the game is interesting which I did see in the magazines. Some ways the magazine might be distributed for the most part will be on the shelves of gas station or stores, but also adds for the website the magazine will be on.For example television, radio, etc.

creative critical reflection question 1

  I researched all kinds of sports magazines to get some of the ideas for my magazine as well as having a first person look at some magazines that I have at my house. I noticed some magazines just have a whole picture with no border for the table of contents, which I tried myself. For the fonts, I just honestly went what looked best with the magazine I didn't go off of any other magazine. The photo shoots had everything to do with football and for color I added some shapes in the table of contents to make it look different and better. I used all of these conventions because I thought they looked great with each other and the third quarter submission turned out really well.   The social groups that would be represented are anyone that likes sports, so it could be from age 7 to age 90, anyone who likes sports in general with most likely like the magazine.The gender would be either boy or girl, any race or nationality and it doesn't matter if your wealthy or poor.

3rd quarter submission


revision 4

Old New